(* ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy. ||I|| ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version. \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY. V_______________________________________________________________ *) module P = Printf module A = Ast let string_iter sep f n = let rec aux = function | n when n < 1 -> "" | 1 -> f 1 | n -> f n ^ sep ^ aux (pred n) in aux n let void_iter f n = let rec aux = function | n when n < 1 -> () | 1 -> f 1 | n -> f n; aux (pred n) in aux n let mk_exists ooch noch c v = let description = "multiple existental quantifier" in let prec = "non associative with precedence 20\n" in let name s = if v = 1 then P.sprintf "%s%u" s c else P.sprintf "%s%u_%u" s c v in let o_name = name "ex" in let i_name = if v = 1 then "'Ex" else P.sprintf "'Ex%u" v in let set n = P.sprintf "A%u" (v - n) in let set_list = string_iter "," set v in let set_type = string_iter "→" set v in let ele n = P.sprintf "x%u" (v - n) in let ele_list = string_iter "," ele v in let ele_seq = string_iter " " ele v in let pre n = P.sprintf "P%u" (c - n) in let pre_list = string_iter "," pre c in let pre_seq = string_iter " " pre c in let pre_appl n = P.sprintf "%s %s" (pre n) ele_seq in let pre_type = string_iter " → " pre_appl c in let qm _n = "?" in let qm_set = string_iter " " qm v in let qm_pre = string_iter " " qm c in let id n = P.sprintf "ident x%u" (v - n) in let id_list = string_iter " , " id v in let term n = P.sprintf "term 19 P%u" (c - n) in let term_conj = string_iter " break & " term c in let abst b n = let xty = if b then P.sprintf ":$T%u" (v - n) else "" in P.sprintf "λ${ident x%u}%s" (v - n) xty in let abst_clo b = string_iter "." (abst b) v in let full b n = P.sprintf "(%s.$P%u)" (abst_clo b) (c - n) in let full_seq b = string_iter " " (full b) c in P.fprintf ooch "(* Note: %s (%u, %u) *)\n" description c v; P.fprintf ooch "inductive %s (%s:Type[0]) (%s:%s→Prop) : Prop ≝\n" o_name set_list pre_list set_type; P.fprintf ooch " | %s_intro: ∀%s. %s → %s %s %s\n.\n\n" o_name ele_list pre_type o_name qm_set qm_pre; P.fprintf ooch "interpretation \"%s (%u, %u)\" %s %s = (%s %s %s).\n\n" description c v i_name pre_seq o_name qm_set pre_seq; P.fprintf noch "(* Note: %s (%u, %u) *)\n" description c v; P.fprintf noch "notation > \"hvbox(∃∃ %s break . %s)\"\n %s for @{ %s %s }.\n\n" id_list term_conj prec i_name (full_seq false); P.fprintf noch "notation < \"hvbox(∃∃ %s break . %s)\"\n %s for @{ %s %s }.\n\n" id_list term_conj prec i_name (full_seq true) let mk_or ooch noch c = let description = "multiple disjunction connective" in let prec = "non associative with precedence 30\n" in let name s = P.sprintf "%s%u" s c in let o_name = name "or" in let i_name = "'Or" in let pre n = P.sprintf "P%u" (c - n) in let pre_list = string_iter "," pre c in let pre_seq = string_iter " " pre c in let qm _n = "?" in let qm_pre = string_iter " " qm c in let term n = P.sprintf "term 29 P%u" (c - n) in let term_disj = string_iter " break | " term c in let par n = P.sprintf "$P%u" (c - n) in let par_seq = string_iter " " par c in let mk_con n = P.fprintf ooch " | %s_intro%u: %s → %s %s\n" o_name (c - n) (pre n) o_name qm_pre in P.fprintf ooch "(* Note: %s (%u) *)\n" description c; P.fprintf ooch "inductive %s (%s:Prop) : Prop ≝\n" o_name pre_list; void_iter mk_con c; P.fprintf ooch ".\n\n"; P.fprintf ooch "interpretation \"%s (%u)\" %s %s = (%s %s).\n\n" description c i_name pre_seq o_name pre_seq; P.fprintf noch "(* Note: %s (%u) *)\n" description c; P.fprintf noch "notation \"hvbox(∨∨ %s)\"\n %s for @{ %s %s }.\n\n" term_disj prec i_name par_seq let mk_and ooch noch c = let description = "multiple conjunction connective" in let prec = "non associative with precedence 35\n" in let name s = P.sprintf "%s%u" s c in let o_name = name "and" in let i_name = "'And" in let pre n = P.sprintf "P%u" (c - n) in let pre_list = string_iter "," pre c in let pre_type = string_iter " → " pre c in let pre_seq = string_iter " " pre c in let qm _n = "?" in let qm_pre = string_iter " " qm c in let term n = P.sprintf "term 34 P%u" (c - n) in let term_conj = string_iter " break & " term c in let par n = P.sprintf "$P%u" (c - n) in let par_seq = string_iter " " par c in P.fprintf ooch "(* Note: %s (%u) *)\n" description c; P.fprintf ooch "inductive %s (%s:Prop) : Prop ≝\n" o_name pre_list; P.fprintf ooch " | %s_intro: %s → %s %s\n.\n\n" o_name pre_type o_name qm_pre; P.fprintf ooch "interpretation \"%s (%u)\" %s %s = (%s %s).\n\n" description c i_name pre_seq o_name pre_seq; P.fprintf noch "(* Note: %s (%u) *)\n" description c; P.fprintf noch "notation \"hvbox(∧∧ %s)\"\n %s for @{ %s %s }.\n\n" term_conj prec i_name par_seq let generate ooch noch = function | A.Exists (c, v) -> if c > 0 && v > 0 then mk_exists ooch noch c v | A.Or c -> if c > 1 then mk_or ooch noch c | A.And c -> if c > 1 then mk_and ooch noch c