(* Copyright (C) 2019, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/. *) open Continuationals.Stack module Ast = NotationPt open NTactics open NTacStatus type just = [ `Term of NTacStatus.tactic_term | `Auto of NnAuto.auto_params ] let mk_just status goal = function `Auto (l,params) -> NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(l,params) status goal | `Term t -> apply_tac t exception NotAProduct exception FirstTypeWrong exception NotEquivalentTypes let extract_first_goal_from_status status = let s = status#stack in match s with | [] -> fail (lazy "There's nothing to prove") | (g1, _, _k, _tag1, _) :: _tl -> let goals = filter_open g1 in match goals with [] -> fail (lazy "No goals under focus") | loc::_tl -> let goal = goal_of_loc (loc) in goal ;; let extract_conclusion_type status goal = let gty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of gty in term_of_cic_term status gty ctx ;; let alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm ty t status goal = let gty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of gty in let status,cicterm = disambiguate status ctx ty `XTNone (*(`XTSome (mk_cic_term ctx t))*) in let (_,_,metasenv,subst,_) = status#obj in let status,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicterm ctx in if NCicReduction.alpha_eq status metasenv subst ctx t ty then true else false ;; let are_convertible ty1 ty2 status goal = let gty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of gty in let status,cicterm1 = disambiguate status ctx ty1 `XTNone in let status,cicterm2 = disambiguate status ctx ty2 `XTNone in NTacStatus.are_convertible status ctx cicterm1 cicterm2 let clear_volatile_params_tac status = match status#stack with [] -> fail (lazy "Empty stack") | (g,t,k,tag,p)::tl -> let rec remove_volatile = function [] -> [] | (k,_v as hd')::tl' -> let re = Str.regexp "volatile_.*" in if Str.string_match re k 0 then remove_volatile tl' else hd'::(remove_volatile tl') in let newp = remove_volatile p in status#set_stack ((g,t,k,tag,newp)::tl) ;; let add_parameter_tac key value status = match status#stack with [] -> status | (g,t,k,tag,p) :: tl -> status#set_stack ((g,t,k,tag,(key,value)::p)::tl) ;; (* LCF-like tactic that checks whether the conclusion of the sequent of the given goal is a product, checks that the type of the conclusion's bound variable is the same as t1 and then uses an exact_tac with \lambda id: t1. ?. If a t2 is given it checks that t1 ~_{\beta} t2 and uses and exact_tac with \lambda id: t2. ? *) let lambda_abstract_tac id t1 status goal = match extract_conclusion_type status goal with | status,NCic.Prod (_,t,_) -> if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 t status goal then let (_,_,t1) = t1 in block_tac [exact_tac ("",0,(Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (id,None),Some t1),Ast.Implicit `JustOne))); clear_volatile_params_tac; add_parameter_tac "volatile_newhypo" id] status else raise FirstTypeWrong | _ -> raise NotAProduct let assume name ty status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in try lambda_abstract_tac name ty status goal with | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't assume without an universal quantification") | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The assumed type is wrong") | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given types are not equivalent") ;; let suppose t1 id status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in try lambda_abstract_tac id t1 status goal with | NotAProduct -> fail (lazy "You can't suppose without a logical implication") | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The supposed proposition is different from the premise") | NotEquivalentTypes -> fail (lazy "The two given propositions are not equivalent") ;; let assert_tac t1 t2 status goal continuation = let status,t = extract_conclusion_type status goal in if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 t status goal then match t2 with | None -> continuation | Some t2 -> let _status,res = are_convertible t1 t2 status goal in if res then continuation else raise NotEquivalentTypes else raise FirstTypeWrong let branch_dot_tac status = match status#stack with ([],t,k,tag,p) :: tl -> if List.length t > 0 then status#set_stack (([List.hd t],List.tl t,k,tag,p)::tl) else status | _ -> status ;; let status_parameter key status = match status#stack with [] -> "" | (_g,_t,_k,_tag,p)::_ -> try List.assoc key p with _ -> "" ;; let beta_rewriting_step t status = let ctx = status_parameter "volatile_context" status in if ctx <> "beta_rewrite" then ( let newhypo = status_parameter "volatile_newhypo" status in if newhypo = "" then fail (lazy "Invalid use of 'that is equivalent to'") else change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[newhypo,Ast.UserInput],None)) ~with_what:t status ) else change_tac ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some Ast.UserInput)) ~with_what:t status ;; let done_continuation status = let rec continuation l = match l with [] -> [] | (_,t,_,tag,p)::tl -> if tag = `BranchTag then if List.length t > 0 then let continue = let ctx = try List.assoc "context" p with Not_found -> "" in ctx <> "induction" && ctx <> "cases" in if continue then [clear_volatile_params_tac;branch_dot_tac] else [clear_volatile_params_tac] else [merge_tac] @ (continuation tl) else [] in continuation status#stack ;; let bydone just status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let continuation = done_continuation status in let l = [mk_just status goal just] @ continuation in block_tac l status ;; let push_goals_tac status = match status#stack with [] -> fail (lazy "Error pushing goals") | (g1,t1,k1,tag1,p1) :: (g2,t2,k2,tag2,p2) :: tl -> if List.length g2 > 0 then status#set_stack ((g1,t1 @+ g2,k1,tag1,p1) :: ([],t2,k2,tag2,p2) :: tl) else status (* Nothing to push *) | _ -> status let we_need_to_prove t id status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in match id with | None -> ( try assert_tac t None status goal (add_parameter_tac "volatile_context" "beta_rewrite" status) with | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "The given proposition is not the same as the conclusion") ) | Some id -> ( block_tac [clear_volatile_params_tac; cut_tac t; branch_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; branch_tac; push_goals_tac; add_parameter_tac "volatile_context" "beta_rewrite" ] status ) ;; let by_just_we_proved just ty id status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let just = mk_just status goal just in match id with | None -> assert_tac ty None status goal (block_tac [clear_volatile_params_tac; add_parameter_tac "volatile_context" "beta_rewrite"] status) | Some id -> ( block_tac [cut_tac ty; branch_tac; just; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; clear_volatile_params_tac; add_parameter_tac "volatile_newhypo" id] status ) ;; let existselim just id1 t1 t2 id2 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let (_,_,t1) = t1 in let (_,_,t2) = t2 in let just = mk_just status goal just in (block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("ex",None); t1; Ast.Binder (`Lambda,(Ast.Ident (id1,None), Some t1),t2)])); branch_tac ~force:false; just; shift_tac; case1_tac "_"; intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2]; merge_tac; clear_volatile_params_tac ]) status ;; let andelim just t1 id1 t2 id2 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let (_,_,t1) = t1 in let (_,_,t2) = t2 in let just = mk_just status goal just in (block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("And",None); t1 ; t2])); branch_tac ~force:false; just; shift_tac; case1_tac "_"; intros_tac ~names_ref:(ref []) [id1;id2]; merge_tac; clear_volatile_params_tac ]) status ;; let type_of_tactic_term status ctx t = let status,cicterm = disambiguate status ctx t `XTNone in let (_,cicty) = typeof status ctx cicterm in cicty let swap_first_two_goals_tac status = let gstatus = match status#stack with | [] -> assert false | (g,t,k,tag,p) :: s -> match g with | (loc1) :: (loc2) :: tl -> ([loc2;loc1] @+ tl,t,k,tag,p) :: s | _ -> assert false in status#set_stack gstatus let thesisbecomes t1 = we_need_to_prove t1 None ;; let obtain id t1 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx t1 in let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in let (_,_,t1) = t1 in block_tac [ cut_tac ("",0,(Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; t1; Ast.Implicit `JustOne])); swap_first_two_goals_tac; branch_tac; shift_tac; shift_tac; intro_tac id; merge_tac; branch_tac; push_goals_tac; add_parameter_tac "volatile_context" "rewrite" ] status ;; let conclude t1 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in match gty with (* The first term of this Appl should probably be "eq" *) NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;_] -> if alpha_eq_tacterm_kerterm t1 plhs status goal then add_parameter_tac "volatile_context" "rewrite" status else fail (lazy "The given conclusion is different from the left-hand side of the current conclusion") | _ -> fail (lazy "Your conclusion needs to be an equality") ;; let rewritingstep rhs just last_step status = let ctx = status_parameter "volatile_context" status in if ctx = "rewrite" then ( let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let cicgty = get_goalty status goal in let ctx = ctx_of cicgty in let _,gty = term_of_cic_term status cicgty ctx in let cicty = type_of_tactic_term status ctx rhs in let _,ty = term_of_cic_term status cicty ctx in let just' = (* Extraction of the ""justification"" from the ad hoc justification *) match just with `Auto (univ, params) -> let params = if not (List.mem_assoc "timeout" params) then ("timeout","3")::params else params in let params' = if not (List.mem_assoc "paramodulation" params) then ("paramodulation","1")::params else params in if params = params' then NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(univ, params) status goal else first_tac [NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(univ, params) status goal; NnAuto.auto_lowtac ~params:(univ, params') status goal] | `Term just -> apply_tac just | `SolveWith term -> NnAuto.demod_tac ~params:(Some [term], ["all","1";"steps","1"; "use_ctx","false"]) | `Proof -> id_tac in let plhs,prhs,prepare = match gty with (* Extracting the lhs and rhs of the previous equality *) NCic.Appl [_;_;plhs;prhs] -> plhs,prhs,(fun continuation -> continuation status) | _ -> fail (lazy "You are not building an equaility chain") in let continuation = if last_step then let todo = [just'] @ (done_continuation status) in block_tac todo else let (_,_,rhs) = rhs in block_tac [apply_tac ("",0,Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident ("trans_eq",None); Ast.NCic ty; Ast.NCic plhs; rhs; Ast.NCic prhs]); branch_tac; just'; merge_tac] in prepare continuation ) else fail (lazy "You are not building an equality chain") ;; let rec pp_metasenv_names (metasenv:NCic.metasenv) = match metasenv with [] -> "" | hd :: tl -> let n,conj = hd in let meta_attrs,_,_ = conj in let rec find_name_aux meta_attrs = match meta_attrs with [] -> "Anonymous" | hd :: tl -> match hd with `Name n -> n | _ -> find_name_aux tl in let name = find_name_aux meta_attrs in "[Goal: " ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ", Name: " ^ name ^ "]; " ^ (pp_metasenv_names tl) ;; let print_goals_names_tac s (status:#NTacStatus.tac_status) = let (_,_,metasenv,_,_) = status#obj in prerr_endline (s ^" -> Metasenv: " ^ (pp_metasenv_names metasenv)); status (* Useful as it does not change the order in the list *) let rec list_change_assoc k v = function [] -> [] | (k',_v' as hd) :: tl -> if k' = k then (k',v) :: tl else hd :: (list_change_assoc k v tl) ;; let add_names_to_goals_tac (cl:NCic.constructor list ref) (status:#NTacStatus.tac_status) = let add_name_to_goal name goal metasenv = let (mattrs,ctx,t) = try List.assoc goal metasenv with _ -> assert false in let mattrs = (`Name name) :: (List.filter (function `Name _ -> false | _ -> true) mattrs) in let newconj = (mattrs,ctx,t) in list_change_assoc goal newconj metasenv in let new_goals = (* It's important that this tactic is called before branching and right after the creation of * the new goals, when they are still under focus *) match status#stack with [] -> fail (lazy "Can not add names to an empty stack") | (g,_,_,_,_) :: _tl -> let rec sublist n = function [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> if n = 0 then [] else hd :: (sublist (n-1) tl) in List.map (fun (_,sw) -> goal_of_switch sw) (sublist (List.length !cl) g) in let rec add_names_to_goals g cl metasenv = match g,cl with [],[] -> metasenv | hd::tl, (_,consname,_)::tl' -> add_names_to_goals tl tl' (add_name_to_goal consname hd metasenv) | _,_ -> fail (lazy "There are less goals than constructors") in let (olduri,oldint,metasenv,oldsubst,oldkind) = status#obj in let newmetasenv = add_names_to_goals new_goals !cl metasenv in status#set_obj(olduri,oldint,newmetasenv,oldsubst,oldkind) ;; (* let (olduri,oldint,metasenv,oldsubst,oldkind) = status#obj in let remove_name_from_metaattrs = List.filter (function `Name _ -> false | _ -> true) in let rec add_names_to_metasenv cl metasenv = match cl,metasenv with [],_ -> metasenv | hd :: tl, mhd :: mtl -> let _,consname,_ = hd in let gnum,conj = mhd in let mattrs,ctx,t = conj in let mattrs = [`Name consname] @ (remove_name_from_metaattrs mattrs) in let newconj = mattrs,ctx,t in let newmeta = gnum,newconj in newmeta :: (add_names_to_metasenv tl mtl) | _,[] -> assert false in let newmetasenv = add_names_to_metasenv !cl metasenv in status#set_obj (olduri,oldint,newmetasenv,oldsubst,oldkind) *) let unfocus_branch_tac status = match status#stack with [] -> status | (g,t,k,tag,p) :: tl -> status#set_stack (([],g @+ t,k,tag,p)::tl) ;; let we_proceed_by_induction_on t1 t2 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let txt,len,t1 = t1 in let t1 = txt, len, Ast.Appl [t1; Ast.Implicit `Vector] in let indtyinfo = ref None in let sort = ref (NCic.Rel 1) in let cl = ref [] in (* this is a ref on purpose, as the block of code after sort_of_goal_tac in block_tac acts as a block of asynchronous code, in which cl gets modified with the info retrieved with analize_indty_tac, and later used to label each new goal with a costructor name. Using a plain list this doesn't seem to work, as add_names_to_goals_tac would immediately act on an empty list, instead of acting on the list of constructors *) try assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [ analyze_indty_tac ~what:t1 indtyinfo; sort_of_goal_tac sort; (fun status -> let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in let NReference.Ref (uri, _) = ref_of_indtyinfo ity in let name = NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ "_" ^ snd (NCicElim.ast_of_sort (match !sort with NCic.Sort x -> x | _ -> assert false)) in let eliminator = let l = [Ast.Ident (name,None)] in (* Generating an implicit for each argument of the inductive type, plus one the * predicate, plus an implicit for each constructor of the inductive type *) let l = l @ HExtlib.mk_list (Ast.Implicit `JustOne) (ity.leftno+1+ity.consno) in let _,_,t1 = t1 in let l = l @ [t1] in Ast.Appl l in cl := ity.cl; exact_tac ("",0,eliminator) status); add_names_to_goals_tac cl; branch_tac; push_goals_tac; unfocus_branch_tac; add_parameter_tac "context" "induction" ] status) with | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion") ;; let we_proceed_by_cases_on ((txt,len,ast1) as t1) t2 status = let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let npt1 = txt, len, Ast.Appl [ast1; Ast.Implicit `Vector] in let indtyinfo = ref None in let cl = ref [] in try assert_tac t2 None status goal (block_tac [ analyze_indty_tac ~what:npt1 indtyinfo; cases_tac ~what:t1 ~where:("",0,(None,[],Some Ast.UserInput)); ( fun status -> let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in cl := ity.cl; add_names_to_goals_tac cl status ); branch_tac; push_goals_tac; unfocus_branch_tac; add_parameter_tac "context" "cases" ] status) with | FirstTypeWrong -> fail (lazy "What you want to prove is different from the conclusion") ;; let byinduction t1 id status = let ctx = status_parameter "context" status in if ctx <> "induction" then fail (lazy "You can't use this tactic outside of an induction context") else suppose t1 id status ;; let name_of_conj conj = let mattrs,_,_ = conj in let rec search_name mattrs = match mattrs with [] -> "Anonymous" | hd::tl -> match hd with `Name n -> n | _ -> search_name tl in search_name mattrs let rec loc_of_goal goal l = match l with [] -> fail (lazy "Reached the end") | hd :: tl -> let _,sw = hd in let g = goal_of_switch sw in if g = goal then hd else loc_of_goal goal tl ;; let has_focused_goal status = match status#stack with [] -> false | ([],_,_,_,_) :: _tl -> false | _ -> true ;; let focus_on_case_tac case status = let (_,_,metasenv,_,_) = status#obj in let rec goal_of_case case metasenv = match metasenv with [] -> fail (lazy "The given case does not exist") | (goal,conj) :: tl -> if name_of_conj conj = case then goal else goal_of_case case tl in let goal_to_focus = goal_of_case case metasenv in let gstatus = match status#stack with [] -> fail (lazy "There is nothing to prove") | (g,t,k,tag,p) :: s -> let loc = try loc_of_goal goal_to_focus t with _ -> fail (lazy "The given case is not part of the current induction/cases analysis context") in let curloc = if has_focused_goal status then let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in [loc_of_goal goal g] else [] in (((g @- curloc) @+ [loc]),(curloc @+ (t @- [loc])),k,tag,p) :: s in status#set_stack gstatus ;; let case id l status = let ctx = status_parameter "context" status in if ctx <> "induction" && ctx <> "cases" then fail (lazy "You can't use case outside of an induction/cases analysis context") else ( if has_focused_goal status then fail (lazy "Finish the current case before switching") else ( (* let goal = extract_first_goal_from_status status in let (_,_,metasenv,_,_) = status#obj in let conj = NCicUtils.lookup_meta goal metasenv in let name = name_of_conj conj in *) let continuation = let rec aux l = match l with [] -> [id_tac] | (id,ty)::tl -> (try_tac (assume id ("",0,ty))) :: (aux tl) in aux l in (* if name = id then block_tac continuation status *) (* else *) block_tac ([focus_on_case_tac id] @ continuation) status ) ) ;; let print_stack status = prerr_endline ("PRINT STACK: " ^ (pp status#stack)); id_tac status ;; (* vim: ts=2: sw=0: et: * *)