module Deps = Set.Make(String) module Table = Map.Make(String) let opt_map f = function | None -> None | Some a -> Some (f a) let rec filename_split l s = let dir, base = Filename.dirname s, Filename.basename s in if dir = Filename.current_dir_name then base::l else filename_split (base::l) dir let filename_concat l = String.concat Filename.dir_sep l let relative s = match filename_split [] s with | "cic:" :: "matita" :: "lambdadelta" :: tl -> List.rev tl | _ -> [] let to_string l = filename_concat (List.rev l) let table = ref (Table.empty: Deps.t Table.t) let add src dep = let deps = match Table.find_opt src !table with | None -> Deps.singleton dep | Some deps -> Deps.add dep deps in table := Table.add src deps !table let split_or s = let map m = Printf.sprintf "or_%u" m in try Scanf.sscanf s "or%u" map with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> "" let split_and s = let map m = Printf.sprintf "and_%u" m in try Scanf.sscanf s "and%u" map with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> "" let split_ex s = let map m n = Printf.sprintf "ex_%u_%u" m n in try Scanf.sscanf s "ex%u=%u" map with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> "" let split_ex1 s = let map m = Printf.sprintf "ex_%u_1" m in try Scanf.sscanf s "ex%u" map with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> "" let map_deps s1 s2 = match relative s2 with | [b2;"xoa";"xoa";"ground_2"] -> let r1 = (relative s1) in let r1 = to_string r1 in let b2 = Filename.remove_extension b2 in (* '_' is accepted (and ignored) within integer literals *) let b2 = String.concat "=" (String.split_on_char '_' b2) in let r2 = let cx = split_ex b2 in let cy = split_ex1 b2 in let ca = split_and b2 in let co = split_or b2 in if cx <> "" then cx else if cy <> "" then cy else if ca <> "" then ca else if co <> "" then co else failwith (Printf.sprintf "unrecognized xoa: %S\n" b2) in if r1 <> "ground_2/xoa/xoa" then add r1 r2 | _ -> () let reds = ref [] let map_reds s1 s2 = reds := (s1,s2) :: !reds let rec read map_deps map_reds ich = let line = input_line ich in begin try Scanf.sscanf line "%S: %S" map_deps with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> begin try Scanf.sscanf line "%S: redundant %S" map_reds with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | End_of_file -> Printf.eprintf "unknown line: %s.\n" line end end; read map_deps map_reds ich let xoadir = ref "ground_2/xoa" let print_deps () = let map_d src dep = let src = src^".ma" in let dep = Filename.concat !xoadir (dep^".ma") in if List.mem (src,dep) !reds then () else Printf.printf "%S: %S\n" src dep in let map_t src deps = Deps.iter (map_d src) deps in Table.iter map_t !table let rec copy xn ich och = if xn = Some 0 then () else begin Printf.fprintf och "%s\n" (input_line ich); copy (opt_map pred xn) ich och end let base_dir = ref "" let preamble = ref 14 let insert_deps () = let map_d src dep rdeps = let dep = Filename.concat !xoadir (dep^".ma") in if List.mem (src,dep) !reds then rdeps else dep::rdeps in let map_r och rdep = Printf.fprintf och "include %S.\n" rdep; in let map_t src deps = let src = src^".ma" in let rdeps = Deps.fold (map_d src) deps [] in if rdeps <> [] then begin let ma = Filename.concat !base_dir src in let old = ma^".old" in Sys.rename ma old; let och = open_out ma in let ich = open_in old in copy (Some !preamble) ich och; List.iter (map_r och) (List.rev rdeps); try copy None ich och with End_of_file -> close_in ich; close_out och end in Table.iter map_t !table let process fname = let ich = open_in fname in try read map_deps map_reds ich with | End_of_file -> close_in ich let help_b = " Set this base directory (default: current directory)" let help_i = " Insert the dependences (default: no)" let help_l = " .ma preamble has theese lines (default: 14)" let help_p = " Print the dependences to be inserted (default: no)" let help = "inline [ -ip | -b | -l | ]*" let print = ref false let insert = ref false let _ = Arg.parse [ "-b", Arg.String ((:=) base_dir), help_b; "-l", Arg.Int ((:=) preamble), help_l; "-i", Arg.Set insert, help_i; "-p", Arg.Set print, help_p; ] process help; if !print then print_deps (); if !insert then insert_deps ()