module EC = RecommCheck module EL = RecommLexer module EI = RecommInput module EO = RecommOutput module P1 = RecommPccFor module P2 = RecommPcsAnd module P3 = RecommPcsPar module G = RecommGc let write = ref false let force = ref false let subst = ref None let chdir path = Sys.chdir path let start_substs () = subst := Some (open_out "subst_cn.txt") let write_substs lint = function | None -> () | Some och -> EO.write_substs och lint let stop_substs = function | None -> () | Some och -> close_out och let rec process path name = let file = Filename.concat path name in if Sys.is_directory file then begin let dir = Sys.readdir file in Array.iter (process file) dir end else if Filename.extension file = ".ma" then begin Printf.eprintf "processing: %S\n" file; let orig = EI.read_srcs file in let lint = EC.recomm_srcs orig in write_substs lint !subst; if !force || (!write && lint <> orig) then EO.write_srcs file lint end else begin Printf.eprintf "skipping: %S\n" file end let msg_C = " Set this working directory (default: .)" let msg_L = " Log lexer tokens (default: no)" let msg_c = " Set these output columns (default: 78)" let msg_d = " Log with dark colors (default: no)" let msg_f = " Write all output files (default: no)" let msg_k = " Log key comments (default: no)" let msg_m = " Log mark comments (default: no)" let msg_n = " Log with no colors (default: yes)" let msg_o = " Log other comments (default: no)" let msg_r = " Replace the input files (default: no)" let msg_s = " Log section comments (default: no)" let msg_t = " Log title comments (default: no)" let msg_u = " Write substitution file (default: no)" let msg_w = " Write the changed output files (default: no)" let main = Arg.parse [ "-C", Arg.String chdir, msg_C; "-L", Arg.Set EL.debug, msg_m; "-c", Arg.Int ((:=) EO.width), msg_c; "-d", Arg.Clear, msg_d; "-f", Arg.Set force, msg_f; "-k", Arg.Set EC.log_k, msg_k; "-m", Arg.Set EC.log_m, msg_m; "-n", Arg.Set, msg_n; "-o", Arg.Set EC.log_o, msg_o; "-r", Arg.Set EO.replace, msg_r; "-s", Arg.Set EC.log_s, msg_s; "-t", Arg.Set EC.log_t, msg_t; "-u", Arg.Unit start_substs, msg_u; "-w", Arg.Set write, msg_w; ] (process "") ""; stop_substs !subst