(* Copyright (C) 2004-2011, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) type session_id = Uuidm.t type matita_file = MatitaFilesystem.matita_flag * string (* user table: user id, (salt, encrypted password, optional session id) *) type user = string * (string * string * session_id option) let user_tbl = (ref [] : user list ref) (* low users can't commit or update *) let luser_tbl = (ref [] : user list ref) (* session table: session id, (user id, matita status, matita history, commit privileges *) type session = session_id * (string * MatitaEngine.status * MatitaEngine.status list * bool) let session_tbl = (ref [] : session list ref) exception UsernameCollision of string exception InvalidPassword (* returns user entry and privileges *) let lookup_user uid = try List.assoc uid !user_tbl, true with Not_found -> List.assoc uid !luser_tbl, false let user_of_session sid = let res,_,_,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in res (* disable for debugging *) let prerr_endline _ = () (* used for commits, so lusers are excluded *) let get_users () = List.map fst !user_tbl let create_session uid = let status = new MatitaEngine.status (Some uid) "cic:/matita" in let history = [status] in let (salt,pw,sid),cp = lookup_user uid in let new_session = Uuidm.create `V4 in (if cp then let clean_utbl = List.remove_assoc uid !user_tbl in user_tbl := (uid,(salt,pw,Some new_session))::clean_utbl else let clean_lutbl = List.remove_assoc uid !luser_tbl in luser_tbl := (uid,(salt,pw,Some new_session))::clean_lutbl); let clean_stbl = match sid with | Some sid' -> List.remove_assoc sid' !session_tbl | _ -> !session_tbl in session_tbl := (new_session,(uid,status,history,cp))::clean_stbl; new_session ;; let get_session_owner sid = let uid,_,_,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in uid let get_status sid = let _,st,_,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in st let get_history sid = let _,_,hist,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in hist let get_commit_priv sid = let _,_,_,cp = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in cp let probe_commit_priv sid = let _,_,_,cp = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in if not cp then failwith "no commit privileges" let set_status sid st = let uid, oldst, hist, cp = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in session_tbl := (sid,(uid,st,hist,cp))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl) let set_history sid hist = let uid, st, oldhist, cp = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in session_tbl := (sid,(uid,st,hist,cp))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl) let logout_user sid = let uid,st,hist,cp = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in (if cp then let salt,pw,_ = List.assoc uid !user_tbl in user_tbl := (uid,(salt,pw,None))::List.remove_assoc uid !user_tbl else let salt,pw,_ = List.assoc uid !luser_tbl in luser_tbl := (uid,(salt,pw,None))::List.remove_assoc uid !luser_tbl); session_tbl := List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl ;; let remove_user uid = user_tbl := List.remove_assoc uid !user_tbl; luser_tbl := List.remove_assoc uid !luser_tbl ;; (* serialization and deserialization of the user table *) let config_path () = let path = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" in let dirname = Filename.dirname path in HExtlib.mkdir dirname; path ;; let serialize () = let clean_utbl = List.map (fun (uid,(salt,pw,_)) -> uid,(salt,pw,None)) !user_tbl in let clean_lutbl = List.map (fun (uid,(salt,pw,_)) -> uid,(salt,pw,None)) !luser_tbl in let utbl_ch = open_out (config_path () ^ "/usertable.dump") in Marshal.to_channel utbl_ch clean_utbl []; close_out utbl_ch; let lutbl_ch = open_out (config_path () ^ "/lusertable.dump") in Marshal.to_channel lutbl_ch clean_lutbl []; close_out lutbl_ch ;; let deserialize () = (try let utbl_ch = open_in (config_path () ^ "/usertable.dump") in user_tbl := Marshal.from_channel utbl_ch; close_in utbl_ch; with | Sys_error _ -> user_tbl := []; serialize()); (try let lutbl_ch = open_in (config_path () ^ "/lusertable.dump") in luser_tbl := Marshal.from_channel lutbl_ch; close_in lutbl_ch; with | Sys_error _ -> luser_tbl := []; serialize()); (* old_sessions are now invalid *) session_tbl := []; ;; let write_ft uid ft = let ft_ch = open_out (config_path () ^ "/ft_" ^ uid ^ ".dump") in Marshal.to_channel ft_ch ft []; close_out ft_ch; ;; let read_ft uid = try let ft_ch = open_in (config_path () ^ "/ft_" ^ uid ^ ".dump") in let ft = Marshal.from_channel ft_ch in close_in ft_ch; ft with | Sys_error _ -> (* this is an error, we should rebuild the table by a diff of the directory listing and svn stat *) [] ;; let set_file_flag uid files_flags = let ft = read_ft uid in let files = List.map fst files_flags in let ft = List.filter (fun (x,_) -> not (List.mem x files)) ft in let ft' = List.fold_left (fun acc (filename,flag) -> let filename = MatitaFilesystem.normalize_qfn filename in try (filename,HExtlib.unopt flag)::acc with Failure _ -> acc) [] files_flags in write_ft uid (ft'@ft) ;; let add_user uid pw cp = try let _ = lookup_user uid in raise (UsernameCollision uid) with Not_found -> let ft = MatitaFilesystem.checkout uid in (* use a 8 byte salt *) let salt = Cryptokit.Random.string Cryptokit.Random.secure_rng 8 in let sha256 = Cryptokit.Hash.sha256 () in sha256#add_string (salt ^ pw); let crypto_pw = sha256#result in (if cp then user_tbl := (uid,(salt,crypto_pw,None))::!user_tbl else luser_tbl := (uid,(salt,crypto_pw,None))::!luser_tbl); write_ft uid ft; serialize () ;; let add_user_no_checkout uid pw cp = try let _ = lookup_user uid in raise (UsernameCollision uid) with Not_found -> (* use a 8 byte salt *) let salt = Cryptokit.Random.string Cryptokit.Random.secure_rng 8 in let sha256 = Cryptokit.Hash.sha256 () in sha256#add_string (salt ^ pw); let crypto_pw = sha256#result in sha256#wipe; (if cp then user_tbl := (uid,(salt,crypto_pw,None))::!user_tbl else luser_tbl := (uid,(salt,crypto_pw,None))::!luser_tbl); serialize () ;; let check_pw uid pw = try let (salt,crypto_pw,_),_ = lookup_user uid in let sha256 = Cryptokit.Hash.sha256 () in sha256#add_string (salt ^ pw); let computed_pw = sha256#result in sha256#wipe; if crypto_pw <> computed_pw then (prerr_endline ("password " ^ pw ^ " incorrect"); raise InvalidPassword) with Not_found _ -> raise InvalidPassword ;; let reset () = user_tbl := []; luser_tbl := []; session_tbl := []; MatitaFilesystem.reset_lib (); serialize (); ;;