Table of Contents
Table 7.1. tactics
tactic | ::= | absurd sterm |
| | apply sterm | |
| | applyS sterm auto_params | |
| | assumption | |
| | auto auto_params. autobatch auto_params | |
| | cases term pattern [([id]…)] | |
| | change pattern with sterm | |
| | clear id [id…] | |
| | clearbody id | |
| | compose [nat] sterm [with sterm] [intros-spec] | |
| | constructor nat | |
| | contradiction | |
| | cut sterm [as id] | |
| | decompose [as id…] | |
| | demodulate auto_params | |
| | destruct sterm | |
| | elim sterm pattern [using sterm] intros-spec | |
| | elimType sterm [using sterm] intros-spec | |
| | exact sterm | |
| | exists | |
| | fail | |
| | fold reduction-kind sterm pattern | |
| | fourier | |
| | fwd id [as id [id]…] | |
| | generalize pattern [as id] | |
| | id | |
| | intro [id] | |
| | intros intros-spec | |
| | inversion sterm | |
| | lapply [linear] [depth=nat] sterm [to sterm [,sterm…] ] [as id] | |
| | left | |
| | letin id ≝ sterm | |
| | normalize pattern | |
| | reflexivity | |
| | replace pattern with sterm | |
| | rewrite [<|>] sterm pattern | |
| | right | |
| | ring | |
| | simplify pattern | |
| | split | |
| | subst | |
| | symmetry | |
| | transitivity sterm | |
| | unfold [sterm] pattern | |
| | whd pattern |