module IDX = Index.Index(B)
module Sup = Superposition.Superposition(B)
module Utils = FoUtils.Utils(B)
+ module Order = Orderings.Orderings(B)
module WeightOrderedPassives =
type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause
let backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives g_current =
+ g_actives g_passives g_current iterno =
(* superposition left, simplifications on goals *)
debug "infer_left step...";
let bag, maxvar, new_goals =
Sup.infer_left bag maxvar g_current actives
debug "Performed infer_left step";
+ let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (g_current,false,iterno) bag in
bag, maxvar, actives, passives, g_current::g_actives,
(add_passive_goals g_passives new_goals)
let forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives g_actives
- g_passives current =
+ g_passives current iterno =
(* forward step *)
(* e = select P *
Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag acc c
| None -> bag, acc
- | Some (bag,c) -> bag,c::acc)
+ | Some (bag,c1) -> bag,if c==c1 then c::acc else c::c1::acc)
(bag,[]) g_actives
let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty current in
(bag,maxvar,[]) g_actives
+ let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,false,iterno) bag in
bag, maxvar, actives,
add_passive_clauses passives new_clauses, g_actives,
add_passive_goals g_passives new_goals
let rec given_clause ~noinfer
- bag maxvar iterno max_steps timeout
+ bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps timeout
actives passives g_actives g_passives
let iterno = iterno + 1 in
else if false then (* activates last chance strategy *)
debug("Last chance: "^string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday()));
- given_clause ~noinfer:true bag maxvar iterno max_steps
+ given_clause ~noinfer:true bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps
(Some (Unix.gettimeofday () +. 20.))
actives passives g_actives g_passives;
raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag)));
else raise (Stop (Timeout (maxvar,bag)));
- let use_age = iterno mod 5 = 0 in
+ let use_age = weight_picks = (iterno / 10 + 1) in
+ let weight_picks = if use_age then 0 else weight_picks+1
+ in
let rec aux_select bag passives g_passives =
let backward,(weight,current),passives,g_passives =
- select ~use_age:false passives g_passives
+ select ~use_age passives g_passives
if use_age && weight > monster then
let bag,cl = Terms.add_to_bag current bag in
aux_select bag (add_passive_clause passives cl) g_passives
+ let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,false,iterno) bag in
if backward then
let _ = debug ("Selected goal : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current) in
backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives g_current
+ g_actives g_passives g_current iterno
let _ = debug ("Selected fact : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current) in
(*let is_orphan = Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current in*)
else bag, Some (current,actives)
else if Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current then
let _ = debug "Orphan murdered" in
- let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,true) bag in
+ let bag = Terms.replace_in_bag (current,true,iterno) bag in
bag, None
else Sup.keep_simplified current actives bag maxvar
forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives current
+ g_actives g_passives current iterno
(Printf.sprintf "Number of passives : %d"
(passive_set_cardinal passives));
given_clause ~noinfer
- bag maxvar iterno max_steps timeout
+ bag maxvar iterno weight_picks max_steps timeout
actives passives g_actives g_passives
let actives = [], IDX.DT.empty in
given_clause ~noinfer:false
- bag maxvar 0 max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives
+ bag maxvar 0 0 max_steps timeout actives passives g_actives g_passives
| Sup.Success (bag, _, (i,_,_,_)) ->
let l =
let rec traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i =
match Terms.get_from_bag i bag with
- | (id,_,_,Terms.Exact _),_ ->
+ | (id,_,_,Terms.Exact _),_,_ ->
if ongoal then [i],acce else
if (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce else accg,acce@[i]
- | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),_ ->
+ | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),_,_ ->
if (not ongoal) && (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce
let accg,acce =
let gsteps,esteps = traverse true ([],[]) i in
(List.rev esteps)@gsteps
-(* List.iter (fun id -> let (cl,d) =
- Terms.M.find id bag in
- if d then prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause cl)) l;*)
+ let max_w = List.fold_left (fun acc i ->
+ let (cl,_,_) = Terms.get_from_bag i bag in
+ max acc (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl)) 0 l in
+ prerr_endline "Statistics :";
+ prerr_endline ("Max weight : " ^ (string_of_int max_w));
+(* List.iter (fun id -> let ((_,lit,_,proof as cl),d,it) =
+ Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
+ if d then
+ prerr_endline
+ (Printf.sprintf "Id : %d, selected at %d, weight %d,disc, by %s"
+ id it (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl)
+ (Pp.pp_proof_step proof))
+ else
+ prerr_endline
+ (Printf.sprintf "Id : %d, selected at %d, weight %d by %s"
+ id it (Order.compute_unit_clause_weight cl)
+ (Pp.pp_proof_step proof))) l;*)
(Printf.sprintf "Found proof, %fs"
(Unix.gettimeofday() -. initial_timestamp));
let first_position pos ctx t f =
+ let inject_pos pos ctx = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (a,b,c,d,e) -> Some(ctx a,b,c,d,e,pos)
+ in
let rec aux pos ctx = function
- | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f t pos ctx
+ | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> inject_pos pos ctx (f t)
| Terms.Var _ -> None
| Terms.Node l as t->
- match f t pos ctx with
- | Some _ as x -> x
+ match f t with
+ | Some _ as x -> inject_pos pos ctx x
| None ->
let rec first pre post = function
| [] -> None
aux pos ctx t
+ let parallel_positions bag pos ctx id t f =
+ let rec aux bag pos ctx id = function
+ | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f bag t pos ctx id
+ | Terms.Var _ as t -> bag,t,id
+ | Terms.Node l as t->
+ let bag,t,id1 = f bag t pos ctx id in
+ if id = id1 then
+ let bag, l, _, id =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (bag,pre,post,id) t ->
+ let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
+ let newpos = (List.length pre)::pos in
+ let bag,newt,id = aux bag newpos newctx id t in
+ if post = [] then bag, pre@[newt], [], id
+ else bag, pre @ [newt], post, id)
+ (bag, [], l, id) l
+ in
+ bag, Terms.Node l, id
+ else bag,t,id1
+ in
+ aux bag pos ctx id t
+ ;;
let vars_of_term t =
let rec aux acc = function
| Terms.Leaf _ -> acc
(* ============ simplification ================= *)
- let demod table varlist subterm pos context =
+ let demod table varlist subterm =
let cands = IDX.DT.retrieve_generalizations table subterm in
(fun (dir, (id,lit,vl,_)) ->
let subst, varlist =
Unif.unification (varlist@vl) varlist subterm side
+ let side = Subst.apply_subst subst side in
+ let newside = Subst.apply_subst subst newside in
if o = Terms.Incomparable then
- let side = Subst.apply_subst subst side in
- let newside = Subst.apply_subst subst newside in
let o = Order.compare_terms newside side in
(* Riazanov, pp. 45 (ii) *)
if o = Terms.Lt then
- Some (context newside, subst, varlist, id, pos, dir)
+ Some (newside, subst, varlist, id, dir)
((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^
Pp.pp_foterm side ^ " =(< || =)" ^
Pp.pp_foterm newside ^ " coming from " ^
Pp.pp_unit_clause uc );*)None)
- Some (context newside, subst, varlist, id, pos, dir)
+ Some (newside, subst, varlist, id, dir)
with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)
(IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)
- let demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag (id, literal, vl, pr) table =
+ let demodulate_once_old ~jump_to_right bag (id, literal, vl, pr) table =
match literal with
| Terms.Predicate t -> assert false
| Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
(demod table vl)
match left_position with
- | Some (newt, subst, varlist, id2, pos, dir) ->
+ | Some (newt, subst, varlist, id2, dir, pos) ->
match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true) Terms.Demodulation
newt subst varlist id id2 pos dir
(demod table vl)
| None -> None
- | Some (newt, subst, varlist, id2, pos, dir) ->
+ | Some (newt, subst, varlist, id2, dir, pos) ->
match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true)
Terms.Demodulation newt subst varlist id id2 pos dir
| Some x -> Some (x,true)
+ let parallel_demod table vl bag t pos ctx id =
+ match demod table vl t with
+ | None -> (bag,t,id)
+ | Some (newside, subst, vl, id2, dir) ->
+ match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true)
+ Terms.Demodulation (ctx newside) subst vl id id2 pos dir
+ with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some (bag,(id,_,_,_)) ->
+ (bag,newside,id)
+ ;;
+ let demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag (id, literal, vl, pr) table =
+ match literal with
+ | Terms.Predicate t -> assert false
+ | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
+ let bag,l,id1 = if jump_to_right then (bag,l,id) else
+ parallel_positions bag [2]
+ (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ]) id l
+ (parallel_demod table vl)
+ in
+ let jump_to_right = id1 = id in
+ let bag,r,id2 =
+ parallel_positions bag [3]
+ (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ]) id1 r
+ (parallel_demod table vl)
+ in
+ if id = id2 then None
+ else
+ let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id2 bag in
+ Some ((bag,cl),jump_to_right)
+ ;;
let rec demodulate ~jump_to_right bag clause table =
match demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag clause table with
| None -> bag, clause
bag clause table
- let demodulate bag clause table = demodulate ~jump_to_right:false
- bag clause table
+ let rec demodulate_old ~jump_to_right bag clause table =
+ match demodulate_once_old ~jump_to_right bag clause table with
+ | None -> bag, clause
+ | Some ((bag, clause),r) -> demodulate_old ~jump_to_right:r
+ bag clause table
+ ;;
+ let are_alpha_eq cl1 cl2 =
+ let get_term (_,lit,_,_) =
+ match lit with
+ | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
+ | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
+ Terms.Node [Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l ; r]
+ in
+ try ignore(Unif.alpha_eq (get_term cl1) (get_term cl2)) ; true
+ with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> false
+ ;;
+ let demodulate bag clause table =
+(* let (bag1,c1), (_,c2) =*)
+ demodulate ~jump_to_right:false bag clause table
+(* demodulate_old ~jump_to_right:false bag clause table*)
+(* in
+ if are_alpha_eq c1 c2 then bag1,c1
+ else begin
+ prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause c1);
+ prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause c2);
+ prerr_endline "Bag :";
+ prerr_endline (Pp.pp_bag bag1);
+ assert false
+ end*)
(* move away *)
let rec orphan_murder bag acc i =
match Terms.get_from_bag i bag with
- | (_,_,_,Terms.Exact _),discarded -> (discarded,acc)
- | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),true -> (true,acc)
- | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),false ->
+ | (_,_,_,Terms.Exact _),discarded,_ -> (discarded,acc)
+ | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),true,_ -> (true,acc)
+ | (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),false,_ ->
if (List.mem i acc) then (false,acc)
else match orphan_murder bag acc i1 with
| (true,acc) -> (true,acc)
let simplify table maxvar bag clause =
match simplify table maxvar bag clause with
| bag, None ->
- Terms.replace_in_bag (clause,true) bag, None
+ let (id,_,_,_) = clause in
+ let (_,_,iter) = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
+ Terms.replace_in_bag (clause,true,iter) bag, None
| bag, Some clause -> bag, Some clause
(*let (id,_,_,_) = clause in
if orphan_murder bag clause then
keep_simplified_aux ~new_cl:true cl (alist,atable) bag []
- let are_alpha_eq cl1 cl2 =
- let get_term (_,lit,_,_) =
- match lit with
- | Terms.Predicate _ -> assert false
- | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
- Terms.Node [Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l ; r]
- in
- try ignore(Unif.alpha_eq (get_term cl1) (get_term cl2)) ; true
- with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> false
(* this is like simplify but raises Success *)
let simplify_goal ~no_demod maxvar table bag g_actives clause =
let bag, clause =
((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^
Pp.pp_foterm side ^ " =(< || =)" ^
- Pp.pp_foterm newside ^ " coming from " ^
- Pp.pp_unit_clause uc );*)None)
+ Pp.pp_foterm newside);*)None)
Some (context newside, subst, varlist, id, pos, dir)
with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)