menu.html: $(TEMPLATESROOT)/menu.html
sed s/\@DATE\@/"`date`"/ $< >$@
-project-management.html: $(TEMPLATESROOT)/project-management.xml \
+project-management.html: $(XMLROOT)/project-management.xml \
$(XSLTP) --param path_to_top "'.'" -o $@ $(XSLROOT)/xhtml-content.xsl $<
-project-summary.html: $(TEMPLATESROOT)/project-summary.xml \
+project-summary.html: $(XMLROOT)/project-summary.xml \
$(XSLTP) --param path_to_top "'.'" -o $@ $(XSLROOT)/xhtml-content.xsl $<
(<a target="_top" href="">XSLT</a>,
<a target="_top" href="">RDF</a>, etc).</p>
+ <p>Read more about the project:</p>
<li><a href="project-summary.html">Summary</a></li>
<li><a href="project-management.html">Management</a></li>
<tr><td><a class="menulink" target="_top" href="">HELM</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a class="menulink" target="_top" href="">MathML</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a class="menulink" target="_top" href="">OpenMath</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td><a class="menulink" target="_top" href="">OMDoc</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><a class="menulink" target="_top" href="">OMDoc</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a class="menulink" target="content" href="publications/index.html#related">Bibliography</a></td></tr>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <head>
- <title>Project Management</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Project Management</h1>
- <p>The Project management will be assured by the following relevant
- roles:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Project Manager</li>
- <li>Exploitation manager</li>
- <li>Work-package Leaders</li>
- <li>Technical Contributors</li>
- </ol>
- <p>and by the following Project Bodies:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Project Coordination Committee (PCC)</li>
- <li>Project Exploitation Board</li>
- <li>Work-package Teams.</li>
- </ol>
- <dl>
- <dt>Project Manager</dt>
- <dd>The mandate of the Project Manager is
- to represent the Project, report to the Commission, monitor
- overall performance of the project, ensure accomplishment
- of the technical objectives, promote project visibility,
- promote dissemination of project results in the relevant international
- forums, promote acceptance of project results, administer
- project resources and monitor project spending.</dd>
- <dt>Exploitation Manager</dt>
- <dd>S/he will be responsible for coordinating
- exploitation activities undertaken by the Project Exploitation Board
- (PEB) in close cooperation with the Project Coordination Committee
- (PCC).</dd>
- <dt>Work-package Leaders</dt>
- <dd>They are responsible for the performance of
- Work-packages, and they must be committed to the Work-package for at
- least five man months per year.</dd>
- <dt>Technical Contributors</dt>
- <dd>Technical Contributors are specialised
- staff provided by the partners. They could be either people active on
- a stable basis into a Work-package, or people who contribute from time
- to time on specific tasks related to the work-plan (external
- contributors).</dd>
- <dt>Project Coordination Committee</dt>
- <dd>The PCC is chaired by the Project
- Manager and constituted by one representative from each Partner, and
- is the main decision body of the Consortium. It is in charge
- of all formal decisions regarding technical direction of the work,
- proper interrelation between Work-packages,
- relations with IST Office, policies for promotion of results,
- administrative arrangements. In view of minimising management overhead
- and project costs, partners providing the Project Manager,
- and the Work-packages Leaders are required to appoint the same
- person as their official representative in the Project
- Coordination Committee.</dd>
- <dt>Project Exploitation Board</dt>
- <dd>The PEB will be chaired by the
- Project Exploitation Manager, and composed by the Exploitation
- Managers of each partner. It will monitor the state of the art in
- the domains of content-based information technologies, W3C activities,
- Web publishing, and digital libraries. It will be responsible for
- planning the dissemination and exploitation strategies for the
- consortium, to be approved by the PCC.</dd>
- <dt>Work-package Teams</dt>
- <dd>They are constituted of the technical contributors.
- Each team will be chaired by a Work-package Leader, and it will be in
- charge of carrying out the technical work described in Section
- \ref{Workpackages}.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Decision Process</h2>
- <p>Decisions will normally be taken by seeking consensus. However,
- after a reasonable amount of time has been allowed to illustrate
- and defend of conflicting positions, in order to avoid deadlock
- in project operational progress, the approval of two-third majority
- of the partners will be sufficient. If the decision being taken
- is unacceptable
- to partners found in the minority positions, the resolution of the
- conflict will be elevated to each partner's higher executive level.
- If no resolution is possible, than the standard ``red flag'' procedure
- will be used, as a last resort. Either the PCC or the Project Manager
- can initiate the conflict resolution procedure.</p>
- <h2>Information Flow</h2>
- <p>Information flow within the Project will be ensured by exchange of
- internal technical papers, notification of relevant new publications
- technologies or standards, and reports from external meetings.
- All technical documentation generated by the project should be
- exchangeable in electronic format, according to a set of guidelines
- to be agreed at project start-up. The project Manager will enforce
- adherence to these guidelines. Only strictly formal correspondence
- will be exchanged by ordinary mail and telefax. Urgent correspondence
- over e-mail will be sent with a request for explicit acknowledgement.</p>
- <p>The Coordinating Partner will be responsible to prepare and maintain
- a Web page of the project and a CVS repository (also available via Web).
- The CVS repository is meant to keep the trace of the overall
- progress of the Project, and it will be used by the PCC to monitor
- the state of advancement of the work. Each partner periodically
- submit reports to the prime contractor, listing all technical
- contributions, publications, meeting attendance and other information
- which may help in understanding the provided effort and cost figures.</p>
- <p>The Project will establish a high quality Web site for internal and
- external communications. It will be operational as from one month of
- the commencement date and will be maintained during the project duration.
- The ``members only'' area will include e.g. all private deliverables,
- progress and management reports, and cost statements. The open area will
- include
- the project presentation as defined in Appendix 2 of the ``Guidelines
- for Contract Preparation'' document, all public deliverables, and any
- relevant information suggested by the Project Exploitation Board.</p>
- <h2>Quality Procedures</h2>
- <p>For all deliverables, the following review procedure
- will be adopted: release by the Work-Package Leader, two-week review
- period for comments by the PCC, two-week amendment period to incorporate
- PCC recommendations, one-week balloting period for approval by the
- PCC.</p>
- <h2>Confidentiality and IPR handling</h2>
- <p>Matters related to Confidentiality and IPR handling will be defined
- in the ``Consortium Agreement''. As regards literature papers
- originated from work in the Project, there will be two
- categories of papers:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Project Endorsed Publications, requiring notification and approval by
- the PCC.</li>
- <li>Project-related publications, only requiring notification to
- the PCC. They must contain an acknowledgement of support by the
- project Consortium and, if required by the PCC, a disclaimer that
- the views are not necessarily those of the Consortium.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Concerning possible contributions to Standards, they will be
- directly submitted by project members.</p>
- </body>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <head>
- <title>Project Summary</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Project Summary</h1>
- <h2>Objectives</h2>
- <p>The World Wide Web is already the largest resource of mathematical
- knowledge, and its importance will be exponentiated by emerging display
- technologies like MathML. However, almost all mathematical documents
- available on the Web are marked up only for presentation, severely
- crippling the potentialities for automation, interoperability,
- sophisticated searching mechanisms, intelligent applications,
- transformation and processing. The goal of the project is to overcome
- these limitations, passing form a machine-readable to a
- machine-understandable representation of the information, and developing
- the technological infrastructure for its exploitation. MOWGLI builds on
- previous ``standards'' for the management and publishing of mathematical
- documents (MathML, OpenMath, OMDoc), integrating them with different XML
- technology (XSLT, RDF, ...).</p>
- <h2>Description of Work</h2>
- <p>The goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive description, from
- content to metadata, of a given field of knowledge (in our case
- mathematics), in order to enhance its accessibility, exchange and
- elaboration via the World Wide Web. MOWGLI will make an essential use of
- standard XML technology and aspires to become an example of ``best
- practice'' in its use, and a leading project in the new area of the
- Semantic Web.</p>
- <p>In particular, we shall deeply explore the potentialities of XML in the
- following directions:</p>
- <dl>
- <dt>Publishing</dt>
- <dd>XML offers sophisticated publishing technologies (Stylesheets, MathML,
- SVG, ...) which can be profitably used to solve, in a standard way, the
- annoying notational problems that traditionally afflict
- content based and machine-understandable encodings of the
- information.</dd>
- <dt>Searching and Retrieving</dt>
- <dd>Metadata will play a major role in MOWGLI. New W3C languages such as
- the Resource Description Framework or XML Query are likely to produce
- major innovative solutions in this field.</dd>
- <dt>Interoperability</dt>
- <dd>Disposing of a common, machine understandable layer is a major and
- essential step in this direction.</dd>
- <dt>Distribution</dt>
- <dd>All XML technology is finally aimed to the access of the Web as a
- single, distributed resource, with no central authority and few,
- simple rules.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>MOWGLI builds on the solid ground already provided by previous European
- projects (Such as OpenMAth and Euler) and several XML dialects for the
- management of mathematical documents (MathML, OpenMath, OMDoc, ...).
- All these languages cover different and orthogonal aspects of the
- information; our aim is not to propose a new standard, but to study and
- to develop the technological infrastructure required for taking advantage
- of the potentialities of all of them.</p>
- <h2>Milestones and Expected Results</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt>First MOWGLI prototype (month 18)</dt>
- <dd>Supporting browsing, rendering and on-line consultation of large
- repositories of (content-based) mathematical knowledge. The translation
- from content to presentation will be done via suitable notational
- stylesheets.</dd>
- <dt>Advanced MOWGLI prototype (month 24)</dt>
- <dd>Supporting distribution, indexing, searching and retrieval (based on a
- sophisticated metadata model).</dd>
- <dt>Final MOWGLI prototype (month 30)</dt>
- <dd>Result of validation.</dd>
- </dl>
- </body>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <head>
+ <title>Project Management</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Project Management</h1>
+ <p>The Project management will be assured by the following relevant
+ roles:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Project Manager</li>
+ <li>Exploitation manager</li>
+ <li>Work-package Leaders</li>
+ <li>Technical Contributors</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>and by the following Project Bodies:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Project Coordination Committee (PCC)</li>
+ <li>Project Exploitation Board</li>
+ <li>Work-package Teams.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Project Manager</dt>
+ <dd>The mandate of the Project Manager is
+ to represent the Project, report to the Commission, monitor
+ overall performance of the project, ensure accomplishment
+ of the technical objectives, promote project visibility,
+ promote dissemination of project results in the relevant international
+ forums, promote acceptance of project results, administer
+ project resources and monitor project spending.</dd>
+ <dt>Exploitation Manager</dt>
+ <dd>S/he will be responsible for coordinating
+ exploitation activities undertaken by the Project Exploitation Board
+ (PEB) in close cooperation with the Project Coordination Committee
+ (PCC).</dd>
+ <dt>Work-package Leaders</dt>
+ <dd>They are responsible for the performance of
+ Work-packages, and they must be committed to the Work-package for at
+ least five man months per year.</dd>
+ <dt>Technical Contributors</dt>
+ <dd>Technical Contributors are specialised
+ staff provided by the partners. They could be either people active on
+ a stable basis into a Work-package, or people who contribute from time
+ to time on specific tasks related to the work-plan (external
+ contributors).</dd>
+ <dt>Project Coordination Committee</dt>
+ <dd>The PCC is chaired by the Project
+ Manager and constituted by one representative from each Partner, and
+ is the main decision body of the Consortium. It is in charge
+ of all formal decisions regarding technical direction of the work,
+ proper interrelation between Work-packages,
+ relations with IST Office, policies for promotion of results,
+ administrative arrangements. In view of minimising management overhead
+ and project costs, partners providing the Project Manager,
+ and the Work-packages Leaders are required to appoint the same
+ person as their official representative in the Project
+ Coordination Committee.</dd>
+ <dt>Project Exploitation Board</dt>
+ <dd>The PEB will be chaired by the
+ Project Exploitation Manager, and composed by the Exploitation
+ Managers of each partner. It will monitor the state of the art in
+ the domains of content-based information technologies, W3C activities,
+ Web publishing, and digital libraries. It will be responsible for
+ planning the dissemination and exploitation strategies for the
+ consortium, to be approved by the PCC.</dd>
+ <dt>Work-package Teams</dt>
+ <dd>They are constituted of the technical contributors.
+ Each team will be chaired by a Work-package Leader, and it will be in
+ charge of carrying out the technical work described in Section
+ \ref{Workpackages}.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h2>Decision Process</h2>
+ <p>Decisions will normally be taken by seeking consensus. However,
+ after a reasonable amount of time has been allowed to illustrate
+ and defend of conflicting positions, in order to avoid deadlock
+ in project operational progress, the approval of two-third majority
+ of the partners will be sufficient. If the decision being taken
+ is unacceptable
+ to partners found in the minority positions, the resolution of the
+ conflict will be elevated to each partner's higher executive level.
+ If no resolution is possible, than the standard ``red flag'' procedure
+ will be used, as a last resort. Either the PCC or the Project Manager
+ can initiate the conflict resolution procedure.</p>
+ <h2>Information Flow</h2>
+ <p>Information flow within the Project will be ensured by exchange of
+ internal technical papers, notification of relevant new publications
+ technologies or standards, and reports from external meetings.
+ All technical documentation generated by the project should be
+ exchangeable in electronic format, according to a set of guidelines
+ to be agreed at project start-up. The project Manager will enforce
+ adherence to these guidelines. Only strictly formal correspondence
+ will be exchanged by ordinary mail and telefax. Urgent correspondence
+ over e-mail will be sent with a request for explicit acknowledgement.</p>
+ <p>The Coordinating Partner will be responsible to prepare and maintain
+ a Web page of the project and a CVS repository (also available via Web).
+ The CVS repository is meant to keep the trace of the overall
+ progress of the Project, and it will be used by the PCC to monitor
+ the state of advancement of the work. Each partner periodically
+ submit reports to the prime contractor, listing all technical
+ contributions, publications, meeting attendance and other information
+ which may help in understanding the provided effort and cost figures.</p>
+ <p>The Project will establish a high quality Web site for internal and
+ external communications. It will be operational as from one month of
+ the commencement date and will be maintained during the project duration.
+ The ``members only'' area will include e.g. all private deliverables,
+ progress and management reports, and cost statements. The open area will
+ include
+ the project presentation as defined in Appendix 2 of the ``Guidelines
+ for Contract Preparation'' document, all public deliverables, and any
+ relevant information suggested by the Project Exploitation Board.</p>
+ <h2>Quality Procedures</h2>
+ <p>For all deliverables, the following review procedure
+ will be adopted: release by the Work-Package Leader, two-week review
+ period for comments by the PCC, two-week amendment period to incorporate
+ PCC recommendations, one-week balloting period for approval by the
+ PCC.</p>
+ <h2>Confidentiality and IPR handling</h2>
+ <p>Matters related to Confidentiality and IPR handling will be defined
+ in the ``Consortium Agreement''. As regards literature papers
+ originated from work in the Project, there will be two
+ categories of papers:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Project Endorsed Publications, requiring notification and approval by
+ the PCC.</li>
+ <li>Project-related publications, only requiring notification to
+ the PCC. They must contain an acknowledgement of support by the
+ project Consortium and, if required by the PCC, a disclaimer that
+ the views are not necessarily those of the Consortium.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>Concerning possible contributions to Standards, they will be
+ directly submitted by project members.</p>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <head>
+ <title>Project Summary</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Project Summary</h1>
+ <h2>Objectives</h2>
+ <p>The World Wide Web is already the largest resource of mathematical
+ knowledge, and its importance will be exponentiated by emerging display
+ technologies like MathML. However, almost all mathematical documents
+ available on the Web are marked up only for presentation, severely
+ crippling the potentialities for automation, interoperability,
+ sophisticated searching mechanisms, intelligent applications,
+ transformation and processing. The goal of the project is to overcome
+ these limitations, passing form a machine-readable to a
+ machine-understandable representation of the information, and developing
+ the technological infrastructure for its exploitation. MOWGLI builds on
+ previous ``standards'' for the management and publishing of mathematical
+ documents (MathML, OpenMath, OMDoc), integrating them with different XML
+ technology (XSLT, RDF, ...).</p>
+ <h2>Description of Work</h2>
+ <p>The goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive description, from
+ content to metadata, of a given field of knowledge (in our case
+ mathematics), in order to enhance its accessibility, exchange and
+ elaboration via the World Wide Web. MOWGLI will make an essential use of
+ standard XML technology and aspires to become an example of ``best
+ practice'' in its use, and a leading project in the new area of the
+ Semantic Web.</p>
+ <p>In particular, we shall deeply explore the potentialities of XML in the
+ following directions:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Publishing</dt>
+ <dd>XML offers sophisticated publishing technologies (Stylesheets, MathML,
+ SVG, ...) which can be profitably used to solve, in a standard way, the
+ annoying notational problems that traditionally afflict
+ content based and machine-understandable encodings of the
+ information.</dd>
+ <dt>Searching and Retrieving</dt>
+ <dd>Metadata will play a major role in MOWGLI. New W3C languages such as
+ the Resource Description Framework or XML Query are likely to produce
+ major innovative solutions in this field.</dd>
+ <dt>Interoperability</dt>
+ <dd>Disposing of a common, machine understandable layer is a major and
+ essential step in this direction.</dd>
+ <dt>Distribution</dt>
+ <dd>All XML technology is finally aimed to the access of the Web as a
+ single, distributed resource, with no central authority and few,
+ simple rules.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>MOWGLI builds on the solid ground already provided by previous European
+ projects (Such as OpenMAth and Euler) and several XML dialects for the
+ management of mathematical documents (MathML, OpenMath, OMDoc, ...).
+ All these languages cover different and orthogonal aspects of the
+ information; our aim is not to propose a new standard, but to study and
+ to develop the technological infrastructure required for taking advantage
+ of the potentialities of all of them.</p>
+ <h2>Milestones and Expected Results</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>First MOWGLI prototype (month 18)</dt>
+ <dd>Supporting browsing, rendering and on-line consultation of large
+ repositories of (content-based) mathematical knowledge. The translation
+ from content to presentation will be done via suitable notational
+ stylesheets.</dd>
+ <dt>Advanced MOWGLI prototype (month 24)</dt>
+ <dd>Supporting distribution, indexing, searching and retrieval (based on a
+ sophisticated metadata model).</dd>
+ <dt>Final MOWGLI prototype (month 30)</dt>
+ <dd>Result of validation.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </body>