* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+open Http_getter_debugger;;
open Printf;;
let fold_file f init fname =
let flags =
(match output with Some file -> ["-O"; file] | None -> []) @ [url]
+ debug_print ("wget " ^ String.concat " " flags);
~stdout:Shell.to_dev_null ~stderr:Shell.to_dev_null
[Shell.cmd "wget" flags]
- (* TODO gzip and gunzip create executables file, but umask seems to be
- correctly inherited from the shell .... boh *)
(* stderr shown as usual *)
let gzip ?(keep = false) fname =
- if keep then (* keep original file *)
+ if keep then begin (* keep original file *)
+ debug_print ("gzip -f -c " ^ fname);
~stdout:(Shell.to_file (fname ^ ".gz"))
[Shell.cmd "gzip" ["-f"; "-c"; fname]]
- else (* don't keep original file *)
+ end else begin (* don't keep original file *)
+ debug_print ("gzip -f " ^ fname);
Shell.call [Shell.cmd "gzip" ["-f"; fname]]
+ end
(* stderr shown as usual *)
let gunzip ?(keep = false) fname =
if not (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.gz$" fname) then
failwith "gunzip: source file doesn't end with '.gz'";
let basename = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.gz$" fname in
- if keep then (* keep original file *)
+ if keep then begin (* keep original file *)
+ debug_print ("gunzip -f -c " ^ fname);
~stdout:(Shell.to_file basename)
[Shell.cmd "gunzip" ["-f"; "-c"; fname]]
- else (* don't keep original file *)
+ end else begin (* don't keep original file *)
+ debug_print ("gunzip -f " ^ fname);
Shell.call [Shell.cmd "gunzip" ["-f"; fname]]
+ end
let tempfile () =
let buf = Buffer.create 28 in (* strlen("/tmp/fileSzb3Mw_http_getter") *)
[Shell.cmd "tempfile" ["--suffix=_http_getter"]];
Pcre.replace ~pat:"\n" (Buffer.contents buf)
+let mkdir ?(parents = false) dirname =
+ if not (Sys.file_exists dirname) then begin
+ let flags = if parents then ["-p"; dirname] else [dirname] in
+ debug_print ("mkdir " ^ String.concat " " flags);
+ Shell.call [Shell.cmd "mkdir" flags]
+ end
let string_of_proc_status = function
| Unix.WEXITED code -> sprintf "[Exited: %d]" code
| Unix.WSIGNALED sg -> sprintf "[Killed: %d]" sg
| Unix.WSTOPPED sg -> sprintf "[Stopped: %d]" sg
+let http_get url =
+ try
+ Some (Http_client.Convenience.http_get url)
+ with Http_client.Http_error (code, _) -> None
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ (** "fold_left" like function on file lines, trailing newline is not passed to
+ the given function *)
val fold_file : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
+ (* "iter" like function on file lines, trailing newline is not passed to the
+ given function *)
val iter_file : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** like Hashtbl.fold but keys are processed ordered *)
val hashtbl_sorted_fold :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'c -> 'c
+ (** wget frontend, if output is given it is the destination file, otherwise
+ standard wget rules are used *)
val wget: ?output: string -> string -> unit
+ (** gzip frontend, if keep = true original file will be kept *)
val gzip: ?keep: bool -> string -> unit
+ (** gunzip frontend, if keep = true original file will be kept *)
val gunzip: ?keep: bool -> string -> unit
+ (** tempfile frontend, return the name of created file. A special purpose
+ suffix is used (actually "_http_getter" *)
val tempfile: unit -> string
+ (** mkdir frontend, if parents = true also parent directories will be created.
+ If the given directory already exists doesn't act *)
+val mkdir: ?parents: bool -> string -> unit
+ (** pretty printer for Unix.process_status values *)
val string_of_proc_status : Unix.process_status -> string
+ (** raw HTTP downloader, return Some the contents of downloaded resource or
+ None if an error occured while downlaoding *)
+val http_get: string -> string option