let bag, cl =
Terms.add_to_bag cl bag
+ debug (lazy (Pp.pp_clause cl));
Some (bag, maxvar, cl, literal)
((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^ Pp.pp_foterm t);*)None)
| Some ((bag, id, lit),jump) ->
demod_lit ~jump_to_right:jump bag id lit clause_ctx
- (*let cmp_bag,cmp_cl = match nlit,plit with
+ (*match nlit,plit with
|[],[lit,_] ->
let bag, id, lit = demod_lit ~jump_to_right:false bag id lit (fun l -> nlit, [l,true])
let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
- |_ -> assert false
- in*)
+ |_ -> assert false*)
let nlit,_,bag,id = if nlit = [] then nlit,[],bag,id
else List.fold_left
(fun (pre,post,bag,id) (lit,sel) ->
let rec deep_eq ~unify l r ty pos contextl contextr table acc =
match acc with
| None -> None
- | Some(bag,maxvar,(id,nlit,plit,vl,p),subst) ->
+ | Some(bag,maxvar,(id,nlit,plit,vl,p as cl),subst) ->
let l = Subst.apply_subst subst l in
let r = Subst.apply_subst subst r in
| [Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,o),_],[] ->
Terms.Equation (FoSubst.apply_subst subst1 l,
FoSubst.apply_subst subst1 r, ty, o)
- | _ -> assert false
+ | _ -> debug (lazy (Pp.pp_clause cl));assert false
- Some(bag,maxvar,(id,[],[lit,true],vl,p),Subst.concat subst1 subst)
+ Some(bag,maxvar,(id,[lit,true],[],vl,p),Subst.concat subst1 subst)
with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ ->
match rewrite_eq ~unify l r ty vl table with
| Some (id2, dir, subst1) ->
build_clause ~fresh:true bag maxvar (fun _ -> true)
Terms.Superposition id_t
- subst1 id id2 (pos@[2]) dir (fun l -> [],[l,true])
+ subst1 id id2 (pos@[2]) dir (fun l -> [l,true],[])
| Some (bag, maxvar, c, _) ->
(* this is OK for both the sup_left and sup_right inference steps *)
let superposition table varlist is_pos subterm pos context =
let cands = IDX.DT.retrieve_unifiables table subterm in
- let res = HExtlib.filter_map
+ HExtlib.filter_map
(fun (dir, is_cand_pos, _, (id,nlit,plit,vl,_ (*as uc*))) ->
match nlit,plit with
| [],[Terms.Equation (l,r,_,o),_] ->
with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> None)
| _ -> assert false)
(IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)
- in
- debug (lazy (string_of_int (List.length (IDX.ClauseSet.elements cands)) ^ " candidates"));
- debug (lazy (string_of_int (List.length res) ^ " results"));
- res
(* Superposes selected equation with equalities in table *)
* variables clauses refer to are known. *)
let bag, (id,nlit,plit,vl,_) = Terms.add_to_bag fresh_current bag in
(* We superpose current with active clauses *)
- let bag, maxvar, _, _, new_clauses =
- if nlit = [] then bag,maxvar,[],[],new_clauses
+ let bag, maxvar, _, _, additional_new_clauses =
+ if nlit = [] then bag,maxvar,[],[],[]
else List.fold_left
- (superpose_literal id vl atable false) (bag,maxvar,[],List.tl nlit,new_clauses) nlit
+ (superpose_literal id vl atable false) (bag,maxvar,[],List.tl nlit,[]) nlit
- let bag, maxvar, _, _, new_clauses =
- if plit = [] then bag,maxvar,[],[],new_clauses
+ let bag, maxvar, _, _, additional_new_clauses =
+ if plit = [] then bag,maxvar,[],[],[]
else List.fold_left
- (superpose_literal id vl atable true) (bag,maxvar,[],List.tl plit,new_clauses) plit
+ (superpose_literal id vl atable true) (bag,maxvar,[],List.tl plit,additional_new_clauses) plit
debug (lazy "Another superposition");
+ let new_clauses = new_clauses@additional_new_clauses in
debug (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Demodulating %d clauses"
(List.length new_clauses)));
let bag, new_clauses =