]> matita.cs.unibo.it Git - helm.git/shortlog
2005-11-25 Stefano Zacchiroliadded missing deps
2005-11-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-25 Stefano Zacchirolibuild paper per default
2005-11-25 Stefano Zacchirolidependency graphs
2005-11-25 Stefano Zacchirolinotation intro
2005-11-25 Enrico Tassiadded tinycals and patterns subsections
2005-11-25 Stefano Zacchirolichanged META dependency
2005-11-25 Claudio Sacerdoti... Unused file removed.
2005-11-24 Stefano ZacchiroliReshaped structure of ocaml/ libraries, matita changed...
2005-11-24 Stefano ZacchiroliReshaped structure of ocaml/ libraries.
2005-11-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-24 Claudio Sacerdoti... Da capo (matita2.tex).
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchirolisplit non-logic level of whelp away from metadataQuery...
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchiroliadded missing dependency
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchiroliremoved the need of REQUIRES in libraries Makefile...
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: libraries.ps works again
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchiroliprose
2005-11-24 Stefano Zacchiroliminimal introduction
2005-11-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... New implementation for localized exceptions.
2005-11-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... * New implementation of localized exceptions
2005-11-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-23 Stefano Zacchiroliocaml 3.09 transition
2005-11-23 Claudio Sacerdoti... More on accessibility.
2005-11-23 Stefano Zacchiroliocaml 3.09 transition
2005-11-23 Stefano Zacchiroliocaml 3.09 transition
2005-11-23 Stefano Zacchiroli0.7.2 version (ancient)
2005-11-22 Stefano Zacchiroli- more resilient to proof checking failures during...
2005-11-22 Stefano Zacchirolisupport pretty printing of Cic.Implicit
2005-11-22 Stefano Zacchirolibugfix: return unshared sequent when applying cic ...
2005-11-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code commented out.
2005-11-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Error messages improved.
2005-11-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... "Localization" of error messages for eat_prods and...
2005-11-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Less verbose error messages.
2005-11-22 Claudio Sacerdoti... Last details.
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Proof using function induction terminated. It's really...
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Lost of redundant typing hints removed from the functio...
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... New proof based on an hand-made functional induction.
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Useful lemma added.
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... Invariant no longer true (since when?)
2005-11-21 Claudio Sacerdoti... More informative error messages.
2005-11-21 Stefano Zacchirolisplit body away to ease inclusion from elsewhere
2005-11-21 Stefano Zacchirolisplit to easy inclusion
2005-11-21 Stefano Zacchirolitypo
2005-11-21 Ferruccio Guidiinternal quantification fixed
2005-11-21 Stefano Zacchirolifixed URI regexp so that URIs containing '-' are allowed
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... "let rec f = ... in f l" used to be compiled incorrectly
2005-11-19 Ferruccio Guiditheorems about equality in classes
2005-11-19 Ferruccio Guidisome definitions about subsets
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Error messages improvement.
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Less verbose error messages (= substitution applied...
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Wrong reported error message fixed.
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... More information is now printed when reporting errors.
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Typo fixed.
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Disambiguation errors are no longer thrown away. They...
2005-11-19 Ferruccio Guidisome renaming
2005-11-19 Claudio Sacerdoti... Coercions are now inserted also around the sources...
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassimore work for coercions
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassifix
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassifixed coercions undo
2005-11-18 Stefano Zacchiroliadded debug items for enabling/disabling pretty printin...
2005-11-18 Stefano Zacchiroliadded support for enabling/disabling (pretty printing...
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassifix for coercions
2005-11-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Incredible bug fixed: coercions were computed and then...
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassisome more on tinycals
2005-11-18 Enrico Tassiadded more on tinycals
2005-11-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... Improvement/bug fix: rewriting in the hypothesis used...
2005-11-18 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... New test for parallel rewriting in the hypotheses and...
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Comments changed/removed.
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... "Parallel" rewriting in a list of hypothesis and in...
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Major code semplification and improvement:
2005-11-17 Enrico Tassiaded a prototype of chtting aboit tacticals
2005-11-17 Stefano Zacchirolifilled disambiguation algorithm section
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... First draft implementation of rewriting in an hypothesis.
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... New tactic rename (for now for internal usage only).
2005-11-17 Enrico Tassimatita.tex
2005-11-17 Stefano Zacchirolifollowed kluwer guidelines
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... Inizio stesura parte su "libreria tutta visibile".
2005-11-17 Stefano Zacchiroliported to kluwer style
2005-11-17 Enrico Tassifixed some stuff in the patterns section
2005-11-17 Enrico Tassifixed some stuff in pattern section
2005-11-17 Claudio Sacerdoti... tests and tests.opt targets greately simplified
2005-11-16 Enrico Tassiadded first draft for patterns
2005-11-16 Ferruccio Guidipredicative subsets started
2005-11-16 Stefano Zacchirolisnapshot
2005-11-16 Stefano Zacchiroli- begin{grafite} environment for script snippets
2005-11-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... dump_moo.opt
2005-11-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... do_test.sh no longer prints the compiler options (used...
2005-11-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... New framework for regression of bad tests.
2005-11-16 Ferruccio Guidiuniversal quantifier added
2005-11-16 Claudio Sacerdoti... The .depend must not be committed! Fixed.
2005-11-16 Stefano Zacchiroliignore bibtex litter
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... 1. handling of tests and tests.opt targets improved
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchiroliadded content level ref
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchiroli- draft of the first part of disambiguation subsection
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... New directory for bad tests with checks on the error...
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... ...
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Debugging code commented out.
2005-11-15 Claudio Sacerdoti... Bug fixed: wrong exception was raised (instead of retur...
2005-11-15 Stefano Zacchirolicic concrete syntax (w/o notation)